
martes, 26 de abril de 2016

¿Cómo sabe el GPS qué ruta recomendarnos?

¿Qué carretera es mejor para ir de Madrid a Ciudad Real?
Para viajar de Ciudad Real a Madrid, ¿es mejor la carretera de Toledo o la de Andalucía? Así toma la decisión tu GPS

By: Macario Polo Usaola  Via: EL PAÍS, TECNOLOGÍA

Vivo en Ciudad Real, pero tengo mucha familia en Madrid. Un tema recurrente, desde hace más de treinta y cinco años, cuando llegan o llegamos de viaje, es si hemos ido o venido por la carretera de Toledo o por la de Andalucía. A diferencia del GPS al que podríamos consultar para ver qué camino es mejor, nosotros tenemos mucha experiencia en este recorrido (y en la conversación consiguiente).

El inexperto aparato, sin embargo, recomienda uno u otro camino en función de la distancia, de las características de cada carretera, e incluso de las horas en que preveamos viajar: así, el sistema informático de enrutamiento puede mostrarnos una alternativa u otra. Lo que no hará, seguro, es recomendarnos pasar por Badajoz, o por Valencia, o por Cádiz, para llegar desde nuestro origen, en mitad de La Mancha, hasta la capital, en el centro de la Península Ibérica.

La determinación del camino mínimo desde un lugar de origen a uno de destino es un problema clásico en Informática, que cualquier estudiante universitario de esta disciplina debe saber resolver.

El problema responde a lo que se llama un recorrido en un grafo que, en Informática, es un colección de puntos (ciudades o edificios o direcciones postales, por ejemplo) con líneas que los conectan (carreteras, calles, caminos). A cada línea se le asigna lo que se llama un "peso", que normalmente es la distancia, pero que puede ser otro factor (como el número de carriles o la velocidad máxima permitida) o una conjunción de factores (la distancia y el número de carriles y la velocidad máxima y la existencia de obras en algún trecho).

¿Cómo determina un sistema informático la ruta óptima de manera automática? El cálculo del camino óptimo es lo que se llama un problema de orden n2, es decir, que su tiempo de cálculo depende del número de puntos en el mapa elevado al cuadrado. Pero son tantos los puntos en el mapa (sólo España tiene más de 8.000 municipios, cada uno con sus calles, cruces, monumentos, edificios públicos…) que la aplicación del llamado algoritmo de Dijkstra se torna imposible.

sábado, 23 de abril de 2016

1 Million people use Facebook over Tor

People who choose to communicate over Tor do so for a variety of reasons related to privacy, security and safety. As we've written previously it's important to us to provide methods for people to use our services securely – particularly if they lack reliable methods to do so. 

This is why in the last two years we built the Facebook onion site and onion-mobile site, helped standardise the “.onion” domain name, and implemented Tor connectivity for our Android mobile app by enabling connections through Orbot.

Over this period the number of people who access Facebook over Tor has increased. In June 2015, over a typical 30 day period, about 525,000 people would access Facebook over Tor e.g.: by using Tor Browser to access www.facebook.com or the Facebook Onion site, or by using Orbot on Android. This number has grown – roughly linearly – and this month, for the first time, we saw this “30 day” figure exceed 1 million people. 

This growth is a reflection of the choices that people make to use Facebook over Tor, and the value that it provides them. We hope they will continue to provide feedback and help us keep improving.

Alec Muffett is a Software Engineer for Security Infrastructure at Facebook in London

viernes, 22 de abril de 2016

How much money you need to live comfortably in the 50 biggest cities?

By Elyssa Kirkham Via GO BANKING RATES

Unless you're tracking expenses carefully, it can be hard to tell whether your city's cost of living or your own spending habits are the cause of your financial troubles. Using the 50-30-20 budgeting rule, for example ― in which 50 percent of income covers necessities, 30 percent is for discretionary items and 20 percent is saved ― you can quickly determine whether your income is sufficient to cover expenses for living in your city. If it isn't, you might have to cut costs or maybe even move.

GOBankingRates conducted a cost-of-living comparison of the 75 most populous U.S. cities, surveying dollar amounts of living expenses including rent, groceries, utilities, transportation and healthcare. This total, which accounts for necessities, was then doubled to find how much money a single person needs to earn in that city to follow a 50-30-20 budget. This study also compares the total amount of income needed to the actual median household income in each city to see if differences in cost of living are matched by differences in pay.

Click through to see how much money you'd need to earn to live comfortably in the biggest cities across the U.S. The cities are listed in order of population from smallest to largest.

Read more about this article in GO BANKING RATES

jueves, 21 de abril de 2016

The Silicon Valley Hustle

Photographs and text by Laura Morton

Tales of enormous fortunes created by the technology industry brought a gold rush in recent years that has gripped San Francisco and the Silicon Valley. Many young dreamers – entrepreneurs, geniuses, idealists – flocked to the area with the hope of starting a successful start-up or striking it rich by joining the right company at the right time.

The tech boom has contributed to growing income inequality in the area. And many of the young transplants profiled below are not among the area’s elite, at least not yet. They often live on the cheap while working on their companies, a process known as bootstrapping.

They work long hours with hopes to build empires. And their lives are intertwined: They live with each other, network with one another in co-working spaces, compete with everyone and party together.

Over the last few months, the headlines have changed, amid gyrating tech stocks and questions over the broader economy. For every success story, there will be many more failures. Yet most of these dreamers believe that the industry remains a true meritocracy: that those who deserve to succeed will do so.

RSF: CLASIFICACIÓN MUNDIAL 2016 de la Libertad de Prensa | La paranoia de los dirigentes frente a los periodistas

Reporteros Sin Fronteras (RSF) publica la edición 2016 de la Clasificación Mundial de la Libertad de Prensa. La evolución global muestra un clima de miedo generalizado y de tensiones, que se suma a una creciente influencia de los Estados y de los intereses privados en las redacciones.
La edición 2016 de la Clasificación Mundial de la Libertad de Prensa revela la intensidad de las acometidas de los Estados, de ciertas ideologías y de intereses privados contra la libertad y la independencia del periodismo.

Esta lista –una referencia en todo el mundo– muestra las posiciones que ocupan 180 países  según el margen de acción de sus periodistas. Al observar los índices regionales, encontramos que Europa (19,8 puntos) sigue siendo la zona en la que los medios de comunicación cuentan con mayor libertad, seguida –a gran distancia– por África (36,9)- con excepción del Norte- que, hecho inédito, pasa por delante de América (37,1), debido a que América Latina se encuentra sumergida  en una creciente violencia contra los periodistas. Siguen las zonas de Asia (43,8), Europa del Este y Asia Central (48,4). Al final se encuentra Oriente Medio y el Norte de África (50,8), que sigue siendo la región del mundo donde los periodistas enfrentan más vicisitudes y de todo tipo.

Tres países del Norte de Europa se sitúan a la cabeza de la Clasificación: Finlandia (en primer lugar desde 2010), los Países Bajos (2º, que gana 2 posiciones) y Noruega (3º, que baja un puesto).
España baja una posición respecto de 2015 y ocupa en 2016 el puesto 34, un descenso leve si se tiene en cuenta que durante el año pasado se dieron cambios legislativos ampliamente denunciados por la Sección Española de RSF, que los consideró un revés para las libertades: la Ley de Seguridad Ciudadana o “Ley Mordaza”, la modificación de la Ley de Enjuiciamiento  Criminal, y la reforma de la Ley Orgánica del Poder Judicial, que amparaba la justicia universal.

Que la posición de España sólo haya bajado un escalón en la tabla se explica, entre otras causas, por el deterioro general de la libertad de prensa en todo el mundo, que afecta también a los países que ocupan las primeras posiciones. Francia (44º, -7) o Reino Unido (38, -4), que ocupaban posiciones aledañas en ediciones precedentes, han sufrido caídas más pronunciadas. La ferocidad de la lucha antiterrorista golpea directamente al corazón de la libertad.

En lo que respecta a las evoluciones más notables, encontramos el caso de Túnez (96º, +30), cuya situación mejora porque disminuyeron las agresiones y los procesos legales contra periodistas, así como el de Ucrania (107º, +22), que asciende en la Clasificación gracias a una relativa calma en el conflicto.

Leer más en sobre este artículo en REPORTEROS SIN FRONTERAS (RSF) 

Check out these clever kits for teaching your kids to hack electronics

By  April Glaser    Via  WIRED 

Parents, listen up: put your kids in engineering and computer science classes. A recent Bureau of Labor Statistics report says “software development skills continue to be the most in-demand” STEM (science, technology, engineering, and math) related jobs in the United States, and the White House projects that there will be over one million unfilled jobs in STEM related fields by 2020.

And perhaps one of the easiest ways to encourage this interest is with toys. Toys and kits that are designed to teach kids hacking and basic programming skills abound, and they cater to a range of ages and skill levels. “It’s important that we create learning experiences for kids that help to see what’s possible for them, what they can do, who they can be, and the changes that they can make to what’s around them,” said Eric Rosenbaum, who is an electronics kit designer and has a PhD from MIT’s Lifelong Kindergarten group.

What to Look for in a Teaching Tool
Experts suggest options with a good balance between open play and structure. “Given the right kinds of tools and toys that embed within them the appropriate scaffolding for a child, a good kit will help the child to inquire about their playspace and learn a tremendous amount on their own,” says Noah Finkelstein professor of Physics and Education at the University of Colorado in Boulder.

First contact with the kit, like through packaging and instructions, is extremely important. Not all kids are inclined to read manuals, so a good kit should be intuitive enough to piece together somewhat out of the box. Another thing that’s crucial: immediate feedback. You should be able to try something and get a visible result from it quickly, says kit designer Rosenbaum.

He continues: “Open-endedness is about seeing a wide-range of possibility. So while the kit should include recipes to follow, it should also be clear that there are an infinite variety of things that you can do beyond that. When I design these creative toolkits, I try to show that space of possibility to people to help them imagine what they might make that goes even beyond what pictures we put on the box.”

But pictures on the box matter too. Is the kit inclusive to all types of children? A good learning kit should speak to the diversity of a child’s interests.

“A robotics kit that makes a vehicle that drives around on the floor is one thing, but if it also drives around allows the kid to make music or help you tell a story, like by playing back an animation or with colored lights, or a networked system that communicates with other robots,” said Rosenbaum, “it’s going to be more appealing to more kids.”

Here are some of our favorite kits to get your kids started. Happy hacking!

Read more about this article in WIRED 

miércoles, 20 de abril de 2016

Why even Google can't connect Cuba?

The most unique element of this photo is not fast Chromebooks in Cuba, but the Google logo. Marketing is illegal on the island, but Google has managed to pull it off. Credit: Mike Elgan
By Mike Elgan  via COMPUTER WORLD

When President Obama said in Havana last month that Google would be working to improve Internet access in Cuba, I wondered what Google might do in Cuba that other companies could not.
Today, Cuba is an Internet desert where only 5% of trusted elites are allowed to have (slow dial-up) Internet connections at home, and a paltry 400,000 people access the Internet through sidewalk Wi-Fi hotspots. These hotspots have existed for only a year or so. Also, some 2.5 million Cubans have government-created email accounts, but no Web access.

I spent a month in Cuba until last week, and I was there when the president spoke. I'm here to report that those government Wi-Fi hotspots are rare, slow and expensive. While in Cuba, my wife, son and I spent about $300 on Wi-Fi. In a country where the average wage ranges from $15 to $30 per month, connecting is a massive financial burden available only to a lucky minority with private businesses or generous relatives in Miami.

And this is why I think the possibilities of what Google might accomplish in Cuba are misunderstood.
It's not as if Cuba would have ubiquitous, affordable and fast Internet access if it just had the money or expertise to make it happen. The problem is that Cuba is a totalitarian Communist dictatorship.
The outrageous price charged for Wi-Fi in Cuba can't possibly reflect the cost of providing the service. The price is really a way to restrict greater freedom of information to those who benefit from the Cuban system.

The strange Wi-Fi card system is also a tool of political control. In order to buy a card, you have to show your ID, and your information is entered into the system. Everything done online using a specific Wi-Fi card is associated with a specific person.

The Cuban government allows people to run privately owned small hotels, called casas particulares, and small home restaurants, called paladares. The owners of these small businesses would love to provide their guests with Wi-Fi, but the Cuban government doesn't allow it. Nor does it allow state-owned restaurants, bars and cafes to provide Wi-Fi.

Drone users, beware: Chinese maker says it may share data with state

DJI Drone users, beware: Chinese maker says it may share data with state
SHENZHEN, China — DJI is the Chinese company that took drone technology — long the purview of major military forces — and made it cheap and accessible enough for ordinary people.
But as the technology is put into the hands of consumers, it raises new questions for DJI and others in the industry: What should be done with the information those drones gather? The little pilotless flying machines typically carry cameras, GPS sensors and other devices that can tell interested parties where they have been and what they have seen. How much of that information should be shared with local governments?

That question is especially important in China, where regulators have looked askance at drones while tightening their hold over civil society.

In a briefing for Chinese and foreign journalists at DJI’s headquarters in Shenzhen on Wednesday, Zhang Fanxi, a spokesman for the company, said that it was still working out how to deal with the data it collects. But for now, he said, DJI is complying with requests from the Chinese government to hand over data.

DJI could also give the government data from flights in Hong Kong, Mr. Zhang said. That could raise eyebrows among drone users in the city, a semiautonomous Chinese territory with its own laws that guarantee freedom of expression and its own independent judicial system. Protests in Hong Kong that shut down parts of the city in late 2014 were prompted in part by concerns that Beijing was interfering in local affairs.

For the moment, Mr. Zhang said, DJI was uncertain what the industry would decide to do with the data. “This data, exactly how we use it, when we use it and which government departments we give it to” is a continuing discussion, he said.

A Field Guide to Civilian Drones
DJI is not alone in cooperating with the authorities in China when they request data, which is required of all companies doing business there. In its most recent report on government requests for information, Apple said it received about 1,000 requests for data in the second half of last year from the Chinese authorities and supplied data about two-thirds of the time. Apple said this week that it had never handed encryption keys over to the Chinese authorities, which would give Beijing direct and broad access to communications on Apple’s products.

Read more about this article in NEW YORK TIME


Palacio del Segundo Cabo in Old Havana,Havana, Cuba
The User Group of Free Technologies (GUTL)[1] from Cuba and Best Of Open Technologies (BOOT e.V.) [2] from Germany, are glad to invite you to join the International Free Software Conference in Cuba in April 2016.

Why in Cuba?
Unfortunately the majority of large Free Software Conferences take place in rich countries.
People from poor countries like Cuba normally are prevented to participate not only by financial reasons but also by denying the entry visa to countries like USA, Canada or most European countries.

So we decided to turn it upside down and have an International Free Software Conference in Havana, Cuba. We invite free software enthusiasts from all over the world to participate, show what they are working on and educate each other.

The idea is not only to exchange experiences how to apply the newest and “smartest” Free and Open-Source Software, but also to consider old hardware and very low bandwidth. Furthermore we want to talk about how Free Software can help developing countries in general.

For example:
- Experiences on using Free Software in social projects.
- Experiences of small companies using Free Software to compete on the world market.
- How the use of Free Software in educational institutions is economically favorable.
- It will be perfect if all continents are represented and we want to have a high representation of women. We do not want to exclude anyone for economical reasons, so we will try to raise money to support travel expenses for those who need it.

The conference will take three days:
- On the first day there will be a fixed program and keynotes.
- The second day will be held in an unconference* style.
- On the third day there will also be workshops and sprints.
- The event will be bilingual (English and Spanish).

How your group can help with the organisation of the event:
- Spreading and promoting the conference.
- Prepare a presentation which describes the role of Free Software in your country.
- Prepare a presentation about new technology.
- With the participation of volunteers.

martes, 19 de abril de 2016

Cuba sede de reunión de Internet más importante de América Latina y el Caribe

La Habana, 13 abr (RHC-ACN) Cuba se prepara para recibir cerca de 450 profesionales y especialistas en Tecnologías de la Información (TICs) en la reunión de Internet más importante de América Latina y el Caribe, LACNIC 25, del 2 al 6 de mayo próximo.

El Registro de Direcciones de Internet de América Latina y el Caribe (LACNIC) y la Empresa de Telecomunicaciones de Cuba S.A. (ETECSA) organizan el evento que coincide con los impulsos y esfuerzos por dar mayor conectividad a los países de la región, en especial los ubicados en la zona del Caribe.

Se espera la participación de destacados líderes  mundiales de Internet para trabajar una agenda que incluye la disertación de dos de los expertos más prestigiosos en temas de IPv6, Tom Coffeen y Latif Ladid; un panel sobre casos exitosos de despliegue de este protocolo de Internet en la región; información sobre los ataques informáticos más frecuentes en América Latina y el Caribe y propuestas de creación de sinergias para el desarrollo de Internet, entre otros aspectos.

El encuentro anual, uno de los más destacados de la comunidad de Internet, pretende generar un espacio de intercambio de experiencias y analizar los aspectos clave para el fututo de la Internet en la región y a nivel global.

En el marco de esta actividad, se realizará el Peering Forum, un espacio que pretende ofrecer la oportunidad de conversar y negociar acuerdos de peering y tránsito con los Proveedores de Internet, Proveedores de Contenido y Puntos de Intercambio de Tráfico más relevantes de la región.

Oscar Robles, CEO de LACNIC, destacó el regreso a Cuba de la reunión anual de la comunidad de Internet, en tanto Jorge Legrá, director de Programas Estratégicos de ETECSA, espera que el encuentro sirva para acelerar el proceso de incorporación de IPv6 en la agenda de trabajo de los gobiernos y los operadores de la región.

En momentos en que la isla caribeña vive procesos de transformaciones. “Es un gran honor para LACNIC organizar este encuentro en La Habana junto a la comunidad cubana. Tenemos interesantes debates por delante”, afirmó Robles.

LACNIC, el Registro de Direcciones de Internet para América Latina y Caribe, es una organización no gubernamental internacional establecida en Uruguay en el año 2002. Es responsable de la asignación y administración de los recursos de numeración de Internet (IPv4, IPv6), Números Autónomos y Resolución Inversa, entre otros recursos para la región de América Latina y el Caribe.
ETECSA es una empresa de capital mixto ciento por ciento cubana, fundada en 1994. Brinda servicios de telecomunicaciones, basado en los estándares mundiales, soportados en tecnologías de avanzada. Su estructura organizativa parte de los Centros de Telecomunicaciones como célula principal de la gestión empresarial, lo que propicia la atención personalizada e integral a sus clientes y al pueblo.

What if the FBI tried to crack an Android phone? We attacked one to find out

Our test MDM successfully resets the password. Then, the scrypt key derivation function (KDF) is used to generate the new key encryption key (KEK). William Enck and Adwait Nadkarni, CC BY-ND
The Justice Department has managed to unlock an iPhone 5c used by the gunman Syed Rizwan Farook, who with his wife killed 14 people in San Bernardino, California, last December. The high-profile case has pitted federal law enforcement agencies against Apple, which fought a legal order to work around its passcode security feature to give law enforcement access to the phone’s data. The FBI said it relied on a third party to crack the phone’s encrypted data, raising questions about iPhone security and whether federal agencies should disclose their method.

But what if the device had been running Android? Would the same technical and legal drama have played out?

We are Android users and researchers, and the first thing we did when the FBI-Apple dispute hit popular media was read Android’s Full Disk Encryption documentation.

We attempted to replicate what the FBI had wanted to do on an Android phone and found some useful results. Beyond the fact the Android ecosystem involves more companies, we discovered some technical differences, including a way to remotely update and therefore unlock encryption keys, something the FBI was not able to do for the iPhone 5c on its own.

The easy ways in

Data encryption on smartphones involves a key that the phone creates by combining 1) a user’s unlock code, if any (often a four- to six-digit passcode), and 2) a long, complicated number specific to the individual device being used. Attackers can try to crack either the key directly – which is very hard – or combinations of the passcode and device-specific number, which is hidden and roughly equally difficult to guess.

With TESLA 3, German automakers are now seeing TESLA a threat

Tesla sold more electric cars in Germany last year than any other brand. Above, the company’s Model S. (ODD ANDERSEN / AFP/Getty Images) NYT

Its wasn't long ago when the German car industry was still laughing out loud about Elon Musk and his Tesla Motors electric car company.

The proud makers of the world's top-selling luxury brands such as Mercedes, BMW, Audi and Porsche could not fathom how a small-time, loss-making upstart from California could ever compete with the giants of the industry that had a century and a half of experience and expertise. In November, a former Daimler chairman, Edzard Reuter, even called Tesla "a joke that can't be taken seriously compared to the great car companies of Germany" and dismissed Musk as a "pretender."

But the patronizing laughter came to a screeching halt after more than 325,000 buyers from around the world lined up to put down $1,000 reservations to order Tesla's Model 3 in the first week — even though the company's electric car for the masses, priced from $35,000, won't go into production for another 18 months.

Some in Germany are now, rather belatedly, seeing Tesla as a long-term threat to the pride and joy of the country's economy: the car industry that employs 750,000 workers and indirectly accounts for 1 in 8 jobs.

domingo, 17 de abril de 2016

Building a drone business: Commercial operators share pro tips & expert advice in SKYWARD

The first step to building a commercial drone operation is getting regulatory approval. At that point, many businesses are faced with another reality: What do I do now?

Join Skyward customers, Andrew Dennison COO of LIFT Technologies, Dallas Vanzanten, Owner of CloudD8ta + more to hear advice on launching and managing a successful drone business. 

In this live webinar, you'll learn:

- Advice for navigating the regulatory process 
- Tips for running an efficient operation - from choosing the right tools and equipment to finding insurance and managing client requests
- Pitfalls to avoid when planning your operation

jueves, 14 de abril de 2016

Stream to FACEBOOK LIVE, even a DJI drone. Post to your wall, but from the air

At the annual F8 developer conference today, Facebook CEO Mark Zuckerberg announced that the company would be releasing an API for its live-streaming video feature. This will allow developers to build live Facebook video right into their apps. To demonstrate, Facebook showed off a DJI drone, live-streaming an aerial shot of Zuckerberg directly to the social network. It briefly hovered onstage next to the social network's founder and chief, who waved nervously before wishing the aerial robot goodbye.
DJI introduced live-streaming to its drones in the summer of 2015 with the release of the Phantom 3. But that capability only worked with YouTube and and its Chinese equivalent, Youku. Pilots will now have a third option, and it will be a platform with a massive and rapacious audience. Facebook has been pushing live video into people's news feeds, and streams from publishers and celebrities have been getting hundreds of thousands of concurrent viewers and tens of millions of total views.

La increíble historia de SpaceX

Durante largos años, el debate de la innovación en el transporte ha estado limitado a los automóviles: hacerlos más rápidos, más aerodinámicos, ecológicos... Los trenes han visto con Hyperloop su mayor ejemplo vinculado a la innovación y los aviones vuelven a ver el concepto de supersónico como una realidad factible. Sin embargo, algunos han mirado aún más allá. El espacio, que tan lejos ha quedado para el ciudadano común, cada día está más cerca de convertirse en una realidad. Wernher von Braun, ingeniero espacial en los años setenta, ya dijo que "el dominio del espacio por el hombre es la mayor aventura y la más inspiradora empresa". Y efectivamente lo está siendo; con Elon Musk a la cabeza.

El inspirador de Hyperloop, creador de Tesla y fundador de PayPal, también tiene en su haber a una de las empresas más fascinantes de los últimos años. Haciendo de la conquista del espacio su propia aventura, Musk es el feliz dueño de SpaceX. Muy citada en los últimos días por el gran éxito que ha supuesto uno de sus últimos lanzamientos, consiguiendo por primera vez que el cohete enviado al espacio pueda volver a aterrizar y así reutilizar el aparato en cuestión.

Sea como fuere, el hecho es que SpaceX es todo un éxito. Pero para llegar al punto en el que se encuentran ahora ha tenido que pasar mucho tiempo.

miércoles, 13 de abril de 2016

Internet (en Cuba), mucho más que una llamada por IMO

Martes, abril 12, 2016 |  Orlando González y Pablo González Fuente: CUBANET

LA HABANA, Cuba. Desde el 2 de julio del 2015, ETECSA comenzó la creación de parques y zonas con cobertura Wifi para navegar en internet. Los cubanos desde entonces acuden en masa a estos sitios y pagan entre dos y tres dólares por una hora en internet.

La conexión es mayormente usada para comunicarse con familiares y amigos fuera de Cuba, usando el protocolo Voz sobre IP (VOIP). Aplicaciones móviles como IMO se han vuelto virales en la Isla.

“Los parques y zonas Wifi son grandes locutorios usados para llamadas internacionales más baratas. Las personas acuden en masa pero no a navegar ni a buscar información, simplemente a llamar porque teniendo en cuenta las tarifas de llamadas internacionales de ETECSA, pagar solamente dos dólares por una hora es significativamente más barato”, comenta Augusto Ramírez, profesor de informática y telecomunicaciones en la UCI (Universidad de Ciencias Informáticas).