
martes, 12 de mayo de 2020

Walfrido Lopez | Yellow Belt | Hac-King-Do Training Certification by Computer Security Student (CSS)

Hac-King-Do Training Certification by Computer Security Student (CSS)
Walfrido Lopez | Yellow Belt | Hac-King-Do Training Certification by Computer Security Student

Yellow Belt
1APPROVED2019-10-04NMAP: Lesson 3: Use ZENMAP and NMAP on BackTrack 5 R1
2APPROVED2020-02-11NMAP: Lesson 4: Create an Inventory File with nmap
3APPROVED2019-10-04NESSUS: Lesson 2: Install Nessus on BackTrack 5R1
4APPROVED2019-10-04NESSUS: Lesson 3: Scan with Nessus on BackTrack 5R1
5APPROVED2019-09-29Metasploit: MS08-067: BackTrack5R1: Establishing A Shell To The Vulnerable Machine
6APPROVED2019-10-11Metasploit: MS08-067: BackTrack5R1: Establishing A VNCShell & rdesktop to Victim Machine
7APPROVED2019-11-16Metasploit: MS10-018: BackTrack5R1: Create Malicious Link, Get Password, Set Backdoor
8APPROVED2020-03-29Damn Vulnerable Windows XP: Lesson 2: How to setup the Adobe Flash Player Exploit
9APPROVED2020-04-05Metasploit: Lesson 13: Illustrate Adobe Flash Player Exploit
10APPROVED2020-04-05Damn Vulnerable Windows XP: Lesson 4: How to setup the RealVNC Weak Password Exploit
11APPROVED2020-04-05Metasploit: Lesson 14: Illustrate RealVNC Weak Password Exploit
12APPROVED2019-11-10Sniffing Traffic: Lesson 1: Using TCPDUMP to Capture and Crack Base64 Encryption
13APPROVED2020-04-05Damn Vulnerable Windows XP: Lesson 5: How to setup the UltraVNC 1.0.2
14APPROVED2020-04-05Metasploit: Lesson 15: Illustrate the UltraVNC 1.0.2 Remote Exploit
15APPROVED2020-04-05Damn Vulnerable Windows XP: Lesson 6: How to setup the TFTPD32 Long Filename Buffer Overflow
16APPROVED2020-04-05Metasploit: Lesson 16: Illustrate the TFTPDWIN v0.4.2 Long Filename Buffer Overflow Exploit, Set NetCat Backdoor

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